Digital Advertising

Support & FAQ

Posted on 07. Jan, 2012 by webmaster

Although we have different pages for our most important products, we will try to keep updated this page with general questions about our General Support.

One of our pillars of our work philosophy is getting the best support for our products.

International TvMagicBox Availability

Posted on 09. Jan, 2012 by commercial

TvMagicBox is now available for Spanish market. We have received some inquiries asking us for the possibility to carry this product to other countries.

Well, this is not only a problem of language translations. The basic issue for portability is related with two questions:
a) We sell an unique product, basically it is a software product but supported by a specific hardware.
b) Legal issues. We offer the possibility to integrate advertising of thirds by a contract that user must accept. We unknown about legal standards in other countries.
So, if you are interested in collaborating with us in order to market this product in your area, please contact with us.

Tourist Tablet Availability

Posted on 09. Jan, 2012 by commercial

Tourist Tablet System was born with the idea to hire a hardware product (Android Tablet with 3G and GPS) associated with a software product, but now we have decided to offer the Tourist Tablet software in the Android Market for a specific city (Toledo).

New cities will come soon, but if you are interested in marketing Tourist Tablet with an Android Tablet for a specific city, even customizing it in some way to hire it, please feel free to contact with us.